A summary of what's happening in the REBOL community.

The week ending 29th May 2007


Shout out for form-date.r and filtered-import.r
Christopher Ross-Gill has added some nice scripts to the library.

Sunanda updates the look of rebol.org

DevCon 2007

Videos posted...
Work continues at making these videos more accessible.

Mailing List

Rebolek announces a Work In Progress regex.r

Tim Johnson encounters and conquers difficulty with REBOL for 64 bit Ubuntu GNU/Linux.

Altme REBOL3

Many discussions regarding REBOL 3 especially in the VID+ and gob! arenas

Framewerks announces Hal4000

Chris would like some input with QuarterMaster in !QM to make the
framework bigger better stronger for all

User Group

Movements are afoot to form a formal user group. First Meeting held on
Altme REBOL3 world under the guise of IRUA.


DocKimbel steams ahead, fixing hot things and releasing new stuff.
Cheyenne beta 0.9.10 released to the few, the proud, the strong.

Mysql Protocol Driver 1.1.1 Released to the public
- Multi-statements queries parsing improved. Semi-colons included in quoted strings are now ignored.
- Email!, url! and other any-string! values are now correctly escaped in prepared statements.
- Empty block! values are now converted to "()" instead of "(NULL)".



The week ending 20th May 2007


Carl Sassenrath posted his Devcon 2007 presentation slides



Ashley: "Build#94 uploaded to SVN. Contains minor tooltip, drop-list, request-menu, on-click and on-alt-click fixes."


Terry announced Rash1.1 Rebol/Flash hybrid Personal Agent.


Oldes' HTTP patch, adding 303 response

Oldes "just found, that youtube do not respect HTTP1.0 protocol => sends HTTP1.1 303
response even if client require HTTP1.0 (which is Rebol case). As there is no response
specified for 303 in Rebol's http handler, it can be fixed using:"

use [tmp][
tmp: select second get in system/schemes/http/handler 'open to-set-word 'response-actions
if none? find tmp 303 [ insert tmp reduce [303 select tmp 302] ]

; example test
trace/net on
p: open/direct http://www.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=FVbf9tOGwno&t=OEgsToPDskKR0Ng6kANs3Z4VNG81T2tZ
error? try [close p]

(Note, I think YouTube urls, as above, expire quickly, so you would have to get a more current one.)
(And I think this patch should be classified as a "temporary workaround patch".)


  • Some other concise languages, Mathematica and ContextFreeArt, were brought up.
  • Ladislav was asking what the best way to handle recursive includes should be in his include system.
  • rebol vs scheme, associative model of data..)

Mail list:

  • Dissatisfaction with NEW-LINE argument order and proposed NEW-LINES function with a mini dialect.
  • Discussion of Rebol equivalents AWK and GREP, ended up with some disagreement over preferred arg order.

Posted by Graham on Anton's behalf

The period ending 13th May 2007

Sometimes life just becomes too busy to try and keep to a weekly schedule, so here's a belated report on the last few weeks.

Devcon 2007

Because of the time difference between Paris and Wellington, NZ, I didn't get to see much of the sessions broadcast. It seems each new Devcon brings its own technical challenges, and this year the difficulty was on focusing the camera on the screen. I guess we shall have to wait until the formal videos from the second camera are uploaded to youtube to see what the speakers were pointing to on screen! But the quality of the video stream was excellent.

If anyone attended Devcon, and is able to write a report, we would be happy to post it here.

MySQL driver 1.1.0

Nenad released his latest driver that adds a new preferred method of querying data ( send-sql ), named fields mode that returns recordsets with named fields (neat), and multiple statements separated by semi-colons . This allows you to initialize databases from a standard set of sql statement.

eg: send-sql db read %setup.sql


Jerry Tsai has been working on ways to render both traditional Chinese in Rebol, but also other double byte character sets. His work in progress can be viewed here.

Carl Sassenrath Interview

Carl gave a long interview to mark the 1000th issue of Obligement ( magazine covering AmigaOS and MorphOS ) that detailed his early working life at Amiga Inc etc, and Rebol3.


Brian Tiffin has been hard at working updating documentation on scripts in the library. This will be very useful for new library users.

There is also a new Altme search utility in the library that crosses worlds and galaxies afar. Works even in offline mode.