A summary of what's happening in the REBOL community.

The week ending 17th September 2006


UPnP discovery
This is script is a pilot to controle a Internet Gateway Device thru UPnP


package downloader issues
The package downloader was detected as having issues in the later rebol release (v1.3.2).
author is working on a new version ASAP. testing is under way, expect a release next week!

on AltMe REBOL world

DELIMIT and CONJOIN - Jaime Vargas proposed a new DELIMIT function and initial implementation and sparked some furious creative development from Brian and Anton, with help from others.


New DocKimbel MySQL Drivers - I've released an alpha version of a new MySQL driver implementation : complete rewrite from scratch to be fully async under UniServe, optimized decoding in speed (faster code, streaming decoding, etc...), supports only servers v5+. You'll find it in the latest UniServe archive ( http://softinnov.org/tmp/UniServe0919.zip )

Chris Langreiter: "I've now updated 3flex with the fixes supplied by Philippe (merci beaucoup!) and some more regarding saving/loading.
If you find additional ones, please let me know!"

Easy graphic element Nudges in REBOL|view
A very good example of making view interactive... never mind that its french, if you don't understand the text, test the examples!

Henrik: LIST-VIEW 0.0.48 released.

PDF Maker 2
-added embedded tables (i.e. tables between paragraphs)
-text colors, fixed table parsing bug
-table options
-graphic commands, cell decorations

Ladislav Mecir's web site updated:
quote from someone on Altme: "as an example of the use of dialects spider.r is an enlightening example."
Site http://www.fm.tul.cz/~ladislav/rebol/ (Spider.r, REBOL identity article). Ladislav Tried to post the info to the REBOL Mailing list, but didn't succeed

The week ending 3th September 2006

Altme and Qtask
Gabriele is busy with text-formatting which are being driven by qtask requirements. His projects are
  1. Pdf-maker 2, which is basically a TeX-clone written in Rebol. Yep :) His latest stuff is here, although that is the raw stuff from his development-folder. Looks like this.
  2. Qml, which is a text-markup-language similar to make-doc and developed for QTask. Lately posted to rebol.org: qml-base.r and xhtml-emitter.r . Also remember QML-Ed mentioned in our last article.
Oldes looked for async networking for his IRC-client and some things, which let to some fresh attention to uniserve (france). Oldes is happy now :)

Carl is busy with Rebol3 and blogs about it, the focus is currently on modules, as well as a discussion on the best word for his provisional "pop".

Graham noted a script to receive and send to gsm phone in the library, which we should have noted a few blogs before :)

In the Wild
Anton has been busy collecting all this work into a consistent style package for VID. It's looking a very viable alternative to RebGUI!

You can try out his styles by issuing the following from Rebol.

load-thru/update http://www.rebol.net/reb/index.r
do http://anton.wildit.net.au/rebol/gui/style-gallery.r