Period ending 21-jan-2011
New RMA release of R3GUI is available on: - this is the full source version + docs - this is the 'classic' one file release
Feel free to try it and let us know in the R3GUI Altme group. Any feedback is appreciated.
NOTE: this version is compatible only with the RMA version of Rebol3. You can get it from:
Release change notes:
- added missing images to docs (thanks to Pekr)
- UNVIEW now works like in R2
- removed STYLE/FACED, now it is obsolete (use only STYLE/FACETS)
- improvements to facets creation
- fixed box-model border caclulation
- fixed binding of actors
- DO-STYLE code optimalization and fixes
- VIEW function cleanup, now it should work on block of faces as well
- fixed panel(container) names binding
- fixed 'load trigger calling
- fixed WHEN style
- misc smaller fixes
- old unused code cleanup
From Maxim :
This is probably the biggest announcement I've ever done, I've got a little tear in my eye ;-)
Beer 2 released
Message from Graham:
I've uploaded beer2 to here just now in case I haven't done this before:
Jaime Vargas said:
"The license can be changed to BSD with attributions to the following people:
Jaime Vargas
Ladislav Mecir
Richard Smolak
Irfan Jamil
Monah Baki"
in an email to me 28/1/2010"
Facebook Hacker Cup 2011
From Facebook REBOL group MaxV:
Facebook relesed its “Hacker Cup Competition”, but it didn’t include Rebol language. However you may test your skills on Rebol Forum:
Will Rebol be shorter or more efficient than other language?
End of Cave mode ? ;)
After release of REBOL View 2.7.8, Carl's has published 2 items on his blog :
Quick Tour of Useful 2.7.8 Features
Introducing the SPEED? Function (PRELIMINARY)
There's also an item about and the mailing list :
From Carl :
"And, while I'm on the topic, there's the old issue of the REBOL email list. Can we retire that old server... which has been limping along for many years, and the list has not been very active. The user community has moved most messaging to other methods, such as AltME, etc.
So, what's the general opinion of users regarding the email list? Time to retire it?
So what the people of the community think about that ?
Please feel free to send your opinion on Carl's blog, on Twitter Rebol Week or on gmail for Rebol Week...
Merchants' Village, Bingo, BJs Training ... any others?
Merchants' Village is now running on it's own and growing well, with more than 50,000 square feet rented to vendors. More than 12,000 sales transactions have been processed by REBOL so far :)
My fiance Corina decided to start a weekly bingo event at Merchants' Village. Commercial bingo boards cost $thousands, but aren't big enough to handle the size space she needed, so I wrote her a little REBOL bingo app (took less than an hour). We bought a 180" screen for $166 and use an inexpensive projector to handle the whole event:
For her day job, Corina manages Human Resources for 15 BJ's stores, and this week began using her Jeopardy program at to run training sessions in a fun way - the employees and her field support managers love it!
REBOL runs so many business operations in and around my life, and the solutions have always been so quick and easy to create :) Please feel free to share your stories about REBOL in corporate America (and elsewhere) too!
posted by: Nick 12-Jan-2011/16:44:14-8:00
From Nick's forum
Labels: Rebol