A summary of what's happening in the REBOL community.

Period ending 10-dec-2010

Don't forget your letter to Santa Claus !

A new release of R2, see the Change Logs page.
A official release of R3, and not alpha or beta release.
A wake-up of the community as relayed in the preceding Rebol Week edition.
A marketing team to promote Rebol.
A developper team to help Carl in the developpement of REBOL.
A better communication inside and outside the community...

May Santa Claus grant all my wish...

Idea of gift for Christmas

Little chauvinisme, but don't forget the book written by Peter Wood and Olivier Auverlot.

And for french speaking people, the original...

Tile the end of december, there's 20% of discount for the french version !

You can buy them on lulu.com

Excel dialect

As suggested by Reichart on AltME, let's discover the Excel dialect written by Robert Muench' & Gregg Irwin's.
Here comes the documentation.

Carl at Amiwest

Carl was at the AmiWest at the end of october.
He clean his basement and sell some Commodore suff : Amiga prototypes, etc.
He show a Amiga based version of R3 and talk about REBOL.

Link to the video : Carl's talk about R3
Don't forget part 1 of Carl's talk Link

-Nicolas 11-dec-10: correct link to part 1, thx rebtut

New home for Rebol.wik.is

On Rebol.wik.is losing its home, we have to find a new free hosting.
Maybe wikispaces ?

See U on AltME to discuss about solutions...

R3 alpha host-kit on GitHub

Host-Kit is now on GitHub. Carl made a little documentation about GIT.
Page can be found here.



Period ending 3-Dec-2010


Graham released a small VID app to send SMS using Googlevoice in August.
Get it while the site is still up.

Rebol.wik.is going down ...

Mindtouch are removing their free hosting so this site is going down on the 1st Jan 2011.
Not sure where if anywhere it will be moved to.

REBOL.net is down
Since the week-end of thanksgiving, rebol.net is not avaible. It was maybe turkey powered ;-)
RebolTechnology is on the problem since 1st december 2010.
Follows the item on Carl's blog here.

Update 3-dec : rebol.net is now available

REBOL Community wake up !

Community is important for a language.
The REBOL community is small but must show it's power : small but robust.
So Wake Up Reboler !
Help is required for :
- marketing solutions to promote REBOL,
- R3 implementation of professional database access like Oracle, Sybase,
- cleaning web sites with dead link : it is important to show good sites, even if there is few sites, than a index with a lot of websites with dead links.
- professional testimonies
- worldwide section with local support

REBOL resources

Here is a little usefull script on rebol.org.
Either you are on Windows, Linux or MacOS, you can download all important programs and scripts for REBOL.

Block builder

A tiny text based CMS written in REBOL. Less than 10 Kb program.
Article from reboltutorial on Dzone here.
Home page of the site :


Vote for 2010's ROTY

Vote on AltME for 2010's ROTY.
See you on user.r sections of AltME world Rebol3.



Period ending 26-Nov-2010

French webzine talks about Carl and REBOL 3

2 French programming sites announce REBOL 3 alpha:


And one IT webzine talks about Carl
and his project around REBOL 3 :


It is infrequent to have such news on the French board. So spread it on the web !

LDAP protocol released !

Softinnov has released a first version of his LDAP protocol.
This protocol was long-awaited in the professional world.
Thank a lot to the french company Softinnov (also author of Cheyenne webserver, MySQL and PostgresQL driver).
You can find the protocol on softinnov.org here
Try it with your LDAP.

Cheyenne 0.9.20 released

The REBOL webserver Cheyenne has reached the 0.9.20 version at the end of October.
There are a lot of fixes for this version.
For complete information, please visit the Cheyenne blog :


Some cool Cheyenne "Powered by" banners have also been made.
Please feel to grab them here and put them on your Cheyenne powered web site !
as Carl did it rebol.com

R3 on Amiga

Carl built a R3 release for Amiga (A109) for AmiWest.
You can read more news on all the Amiga's webzines.
And here is the article on Carl's blog :


Webservice protocol needed

Writing your own protocol in REBOL is a powerfull feature of REBOL.
In R2, we have internet based protocols like http:// pop:// dns:// ...
Softinnov writes protocols for MySQL mysql:// PosGresQL LDAP ldap:// ...
But what about webservices ?
REBOL needs to talk with other systems.
Webservice is a solution : Calling a webservice but also expose a REBOL program as a Webservice.
We need some volunteers to write tutorials and protocols around REBOL and Webservices.
Put your script and tutorial on rebol.org

Try REBOL3 - Updated with A110

Kaj has updated his Try REBOL3.
in browser site with the last alpha release of REBOL : A110.
Try to promote this site and make it popular !

Syllabe and R3

"The latest version of the REBOL 3 open host kit, alpha 110, enables Syllable Desktop for the first time to run the REBOL 3 client/server RebDev collaboration application for chat and development files sharing"

See the complete article here.

